once upon a time...

Stairs dominated the land of those who wanted to ascend, they were pure, beautiful, melodic and healthy. But everything changed when the horde of Elevators1 started to attack with their automated rail systems, buttons, air conditioning and ease of access.

Now they need to fight for their values, convincing the most amount of people possible that only one of them is a valid form of ascent. Gather your troops, choose your side, and fight alongside them to bring victory to your preferred method of going to a higher floor.

Hello my name is Luiz, I am a music producer and electrical engineering student from Brazil. I've been making music since 2017 as LV3TO, and studying sound design (and electrical engineering) since 2019. In 2021 I separated my music into LV3TO and ST4IR, for catalog organization purposes.
If you want to find out more about me and my work, here I have my portfolio and all my socials.

find me:

listen to my works:



Soundcloud Soundcloud
Spotify Spotify

  1. because LV3TO is read like the word elevator